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Kotlin Pattern Matching Plugin
·1 min
This talk aims to explore the possibility of adding pattern matching to Kotlin. It will go through why and how it could be done, from adding it to the actual language to using a compiler plugin (much like kotlinx.serialization works).
FP with Kotlin/Arrow: Monad Comprehensions & Parallel Processing
·1 min
Kotlin is a great language! But what if you want to call an existing native library in Kotlin, or build your own native library for performance optimizations? This is also useful for making Kotlin a viable option for systems programming. Perhaps there’s an existing C or C++ library that would be great to have available in Kotlin, but it isn’t yet Kotlin-ready? We’ll take a look at how to access native libraries with Kotlin.
Call Native Code From Kotlin
·1 min
Kotlin is a great language! But what if you want to call an existing native library in Kotlin, or build your own native library for performance optimizations? This is also useful for making Kotlin a viable option for systems programming. Perhaps there’s an existing C or C++ library that would be great to have available in Kotlin, but it isn’t yet Kotlin-ready? We’ll take a look at how to access native libraries with Kotlin.